Sixty small students, both boys and girls, graduated from the Children's University

Press Release University Public

Offering first aid, mathematical tabletop games, a journey to prehistory, or learning about extraterrestrial plants—these are just a fleeting list of courses that young learners from the Faculty of Education could enroll in.
During the academic year 2023/24, 129 small students from the Children's University of the Faculty of Education (FPE) at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen signed up for 79 lectures, discussions, experiments, and trips. Finally, 58 students from elementary schools and lower grades of multi-year high schools met the requirements for obtaining the diploma. They received it on Monday, February 5, from the hands of the FPE Dean Pavel Mentlík, and were congratulated by the rector Miroslav Lávička.

Offering first aid, mathematical tabletop games, a journey to prehistory, or learning about extraterrestrial plants—these are just a fleeting list of courses that young learners could enroll in. They had the opportunity to explore subjects they encounter daily in school in an enjoyable way. They compiled their own schedule from the course offerings. Certificates of completion were awarded to those children who attended a minimum of six courses.

This year, the courses were quickly filled by the children. "The first courses were filled within eight minutes during registration. There was great interest, for example, in the course titled 'Fire,' which was held at the Department of Chemistry. Traditionally, there was also high demand for courses with a technical or scientific focus and workshops conducted in partnership with the Plzeň Zoo," says Michaela Voltrová, the Vice-Dean of FPE, who oversees the Children's University project.

"I have no doubt that I see future scientists, artists, and innovators among you. My greatest joy will be to meet you in the corridors and classrooms of the University of West Bohemia," said rector Miroslav Lávička to the young graduates during the ceremonial certificate presentation.

Dean Pavel Mentlík thanked the parents for guiding their children on the path of knowledge. "Let's imagine the courses you have completed as fragments of knowledge; I wish they ignite in you a desire to learn and support what you are learning in schools," he added.

Even at these graduations, the graduates were tasked with delivering a ceremonial speech. "After the first hour, I came home excited and with a smile; I particularly enjoyed building spaghetti bridges. I thought we would be discussing the same things as in school, but I was mistaken," said Vít Kielbus in the auditorium on Veleslavínova Street. Pavel's father, Petr Hřebejk, also enrolled his son in the university: "When he came home excited after the first meeting, we immediately tried to sign him up for as many courses as possible," mentioned the third grader's father.

The Children's University FPE has been a tradition at the University of West Bohemia since 2014. This year, it was financially supported by the Pilsen Region. Thanks to the contribution from the regional government and partners, all courses of the Children's University were free for the children.

In 2023, the company KONPLAN became a new partner of the Children's University. "As part of this partnership, we introduced three courses focused on technical drawing and 3D printing. Children attended the classes directly at the company's premises," adds Vice-Dean Michaela Voltrová.


Faculty of Education

Andrea Čandová (translated by ChatGPT)

06. 02. 2024