6th edition of the Health Careers Fair

06 Listopad

6. listopadu, 09:00

Faculty of Health Care Studies of UWB, Husova 11, Plzeň

Festival Cooperation Students

To inspire and educate medical students through direct presentation of exhibitors and lecturers is the mission of the fair, which is sponsored by the Faculty of Health Care Studies of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen.

Enter: free admission
Intended for: undergraduates and students of secondary medical schools
Kontakt: Ing. Lucie Brůžková (bruzkov@fzs.zcu.cz)
More information at https://www.kvzcz.cz/

Last year's fair at the Faculty of Health Care Studies of UWB was attended by 600 students of medical disciplines. Visitors to the fair were introduced to a total of 32 healthcare facilities operating throughout the Czech Republic, and thus had the opportunity to learn about job opportunities not only after their studies, but also during them. The fair is a great opportunity for students to meet potential employers and gain valuable information not only about career options, but also about opportunities for personal growth and further education in healthcare.

The fair under the auspices of the Faculty of Health Care Studies will take place on 6 November from 9 am to 2 pm. It is intended for students of universities and higher vocational schools, but also for students of secondary medical schools.

All further information can be found on website.


Faculty of Health Care Studies

Lucie Brůžková

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