Let's NTIS offered fractured pelvis fixation, neuroscience, bone marrow donation and other topics

Science and research Public Employees

The first year of the event called Let´s NTIS attracted more than a hundred listeners. Experts from the NTIS research centre of the Faculty of Applied Sciences of UWB presented their research with overlap not only in biomedicine to students, representatives of companies and colleagues from UWB.

"With this event we would like to renew the tradition of regular presentation of the NTIS Centre's research and development results to its users and our partners. Biomedical engineering is a modern and dynamic field that rightly attracts the attention of technology companies. Therefore, we believe that regular meetings will help to get an overview of the research topics that our centre deals with, as well as outline the possibilities of possible cooperation," said Pavel Novák, Director of the NTIS Centre (New Technologies for Information Society). The aim of the event was to present the professional topics of the NTIS Centre's research teams at the Faculty of Applied Sciences of the University of Applied Sciences of the Czech Republic (FAV UWB), on which they cooperate with experts from, for example, the Biomedical Centre of the Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University in Pilsen or with doctors from the University Hospital in Pilsen.

The first lecture block was focused on neuroinformatics and the cooperation of our experts with the Czech National Marrow Donor Registry (CNRDD). Roman Mouček from the Department of Informatics and Computer Science presented the topic of neurorehabilitation. He explained how robots work to support rehabilitation of upper or lower limbs in patients after a stroke. Lucie Houdová from the Department of Cybernetics presented the technical and medical support of CNRDD. She explained how they are improving the donor registry so that doctors can easily and efficiently search for suitable donors for specific patients. The external guest was Veronika Bergerová, a doctor from the Hematology-Oncology Department of the University Hospital in Pilsen, whose lecture followed Lucie Houdová's topic. Dr. Bergerová described the work with the data in the registry from the perspective of doctors and explained how the search for a suitable donor takes place and what is needed to find a successful donor.

In the second lecture block Libor Lobovský and Alena Jonášová from the Department of Mechanics presented their activities. Libor Lobovský deals with fixation of pelvic fractures. He used examples to show the possibilities of fixation and explained the pros and cons of different types of fixators. He also mentioned the possible risks to the patient when using an inappropriate method of fixation. Alena Jonášová investigates blood flow in blood vessels. With the help of 3D computer simulation she can model and predict possible risks in a particular patient, such as bulging or blockage of blood vessels. Zbyněk Tonar, a physician and head of the Institute of Histology and Embryology, was an external guest speaker, who presented several topics that the institute deals with and explained how patients can benefit from the findings. As an example, he mentioned the discovery of how to calculate the "durability" of certain tissue samples, or how long they can be stored so that they can be used by patients waiting for a transplant.

The audience was interested in the topics, as evidenced by the number of questions at the end of each session. Following the panel discussion, a presentation was made on other research topics currently being addressed at NTIS. Thus, FAV students as well as high school students learned which research projects they can be involved in or which topics can be worked on within the framework of the High School Professional Activity.

Topics presented:

Roman Mouček - Brain-computer interface, the idea of movement, artificial intelligence, neurorehabilitation

Lucie Houdová - Data Science and Information Systems for Hematology-Oncology, Modeling for Decision Support, Bioinformatics for HSCT and Immunotherapy

Veronika Bergerová - Comprehensive care of hematology-oncology patients, work with donors from their entry to the actual collection

Libor Lobovský - Fixation of human bone fractures, non-invasive measurement methods, computer simulations

Alena Jonášová - Blood flow in blood vessels of specific patients, personalized mathematical models, computer simulations

Zbyněk Tonar - Microscopic tissue structure - how to quantify it for experimental biomechanics and organ modelling


Faculty of Applied Sciences

Martina Batková

13. 11. 2024