Meeting of Czech universities involved in European alliances. UWB presented the EUPeace alliance

EUPeace International Cooperation

Nine Czech universities involved in European University alliances exchanged experiences at a meeting in Brno. The discussions focused on current topics in the field of EU education and the common challenges faced by the individual alliances.

How to achieve 50% mobility among students and teachers? How can European university alliances collaborate on research? And how to involve students in leadership? These questions were posed in mid-June by representatives of nine Czech universities and higher education institutions that are part of several European alliances. At a two-day meeting in Brno, organized by the Czech Liaison Office for Education and Research in Brussels (CZELO), representatives from the Czech Technical University in Prague, Masaryk University in Brno, University of Ostrava, Silesian University in Opava, Charles University, Palacký University in Olomouc, VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Brno University of Technology, and finally, the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, shared their insights.

The first day included joint workshops. University representatives learned more about the legal personality of university alliances, their global dimensions, and opportunities for collaboration beyond the EU. The workshops were conducted in both Czech and English, and the roundtable discussion included education experts from the National Accreditation Bureau of the Czech Republic and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.

On the second day, participants began with a joint workshop led by representatives from Charles University's 4EU+ alliance. They presented their successful Joint Degree program. "Here too, the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen and its EUPeace alliance can find inspiration, as the creation of shared programs and degrees is also an ambition of our newly founded alliance," says Jana Ovsjanniková from the International Office of UWB.

Jana Ovsjanniková also had the opportunity to speak at the plenary session to present the experiences and current challenges of the EUPeace alliance, which included the establishment of the WP4 working group across the alliance, the creation of a Mobility Portal, and the planning of the Digital Campus. UWB is the leader of the WP4 work package - Facilitating Mobility within the EUPeace alliance, where it is responsible for the mobility of students and teachers.

Universities already plan to meet again - at the CZEDUCON conference, which takes place in November in Prague.

Czech universities and higher education institutions involved in European university alliances:

  • Czech Technical University in Prague - EuroTeQ
  • Masaryk University in Brno - EDUC
  • University of Ostrava - NEOLAiA
  • Silesian University in Opava - STARS EU
  • Charles University - 4EU+
  • Palacký University in Olomouc - Aurora
  • VSB - Technical University of Ostrava - U!REKA
  • Brno University of Technology - EULiST
  • University of West Bohemia in Pilsen - EUPeace



Source: CZELO LinkedIn

Source: CZELO LinkedIn

Source: CZELO LinkedIn


Jana Ovsjanniková, Andrea Čandová

01. 07. 2024