Revision of the Framework Education Programmes: ready for change?

31 Březen

31. března, 16:00

VC301, Faculty of Education, Veleslavínova 42

Students Public Employees

How will the revision of the RVP ZV affect schools, teacher training and the future of education? Come and discuss and share your views and experiences with practitioners. We invite you to a panel discussion.

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Intended for: students, employees, the public
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The revision of the Framework Educational Programmes (FEPs) for primary education is in the phase of pilot testing of model school curricula (mSEPs). The FEPs represent a conceptual curriculum determining what children should learn in schools, while the mSEPs specify this content.

In a panel discussion at the Faculty of Education of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (FPE UWB), we will try to connect two worlds - the academic environment, which prepares future teachers, and educational practice, i.e. schools, teachers and principals. What does the revision of RVP ZV and mŠVP mean for schools, teachers and school management? Are schools ready for the changes? What impact will (or should) the revision have on the preparation of future teachers? And will it really bring the change that our education system needs?

We will discuss these questions with experienced teachers who have been working on the revisions of the RVP ZV for a long time, one of whom is also the head teacher of a school that is currently being established. The experts have accepted the invitation of Pavel Mentlík, Dean of the Faculty of Education at UWB, who will moderate the discussion.

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