FAV students showed Pilseners how they help doctors and improve robots

FPE Science and research Public

On 7 and 8 June 2024, the Inovujeme Plzeň festival took place in TechTower in Pilsen. The Faculty of Applied Sciences and the NTIS Research Centre presented an exceptional thematic exhibition dedicated to biomedical engineering and the presentation of the results of student teams innovating a roboti

The results of the cooperation between the departments of mechanics and cybernetics and the Pilsen doctors aroused great interest. The opportunity to hold a true-to-life model of the aorta or to see a model of a broken human pelvis fixed with metal implants was an unusual experience for many. Libor Lobovský, an expert in biomechanics, said: "A serious accident or injury can happen to any of us. Visitors often hear for the first time about the risks associated with different types of bone fractures and how important the correct choice of fixators and their optimal placement are for successful treatment. This is what we deal with in cooperation with the University Hospital Pilsen."

Attention was also attracted by a real platelet separator, which was part of the exhibition dedicated to bioinformatics, represented by Kateřina Wolf from the NTIS centre and Veronika Bergerová from the University Hospital Pilsen. Interested visitors not only got acquainted with the functioning of the information system created by scientists from the university for managing and searching for suitable bone marrow donors, but also could ask about the conditions for joining the bone and platelet donor registry. "When the detective story says 'let's send it to the lab people', you never see them on screen. We can confirm that they do exist and do a unique job. Without them, we would not be connected to the world and would not be able to find the ideal donor for our patients. It's a collaboration that saves lives." Veronika Berger appreciated the contribution of the partners from the NTIS Research Centre. At the same time, they both thanked SIT Port for the great opportunity to reach out to visitors to expand the ranks of volunteer donors."

Two groups of first year students from the Software Engineering program presented their work on the SPOT robotic dog. The trio Tadeáš Pohlídal, Filip Chlad and Matěj Putík developed a watchdog that guards objects and recognizes humans. Richard Ochotný and Vojtěch Aloy also created a version of SPOT for the visually impaired that navigates around the city and reacts to obstacles.

The students appreciated the unique opportunity to work with the robot and SIT Port a great facility for testing. "We already know how many more things we could teach SPOTa with the addition of a colleague from the cybernetics department to the team. A robotic dog could recognise road signs and the nearby environment", Richard and Vojtech added.

All five students agreed that working on SPOT was challenging but beneficial for future development.


Faculty of Applied Sciences

Jitka Hepová

12. 06. 2024