Faculty of Electrical Engineering hosted a leading world expert in the field of power electronics

Guests Cooperation Science and research

Last week, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University of West Bohemia (FEE UWB) welcomed an important guest, prof. Dushan Boroyevich from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA. His visit was associated with the awarding of the honorary title of doctor honoris causa.

On Monday, November 6, Prof. Boroyevich visited the Research and Innovation Center for Electrical Engineering (RICE), where he got acquainted with current projects and innovative technologies and visited the center's laboratories with interest.

On Wednesday, 7 November, Prof. Boroyevich gave an inspiring lecture on Global Intergrid for Sustainable Energy Abundance, which met with interest from both staff and students and was also streamed online with a subsequent recording on the FEE YouTube channel. The lecture provided attendees with a unique opportunity to gain insight into current trends and challenges in the field of power electronics.

The visit culminated in a ceremonial meeting of the Scientific Council of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, which took place on Wednesday, 8 November. During this academic event, the University of West Bohemia awarded Prof. Dushan Boroyevich the honorary title of doctor honoris causa. The honorary doctorate was awarded in recognition of Prof. Boroyevich's outstanding contribution to research in power electronics, his significant cooperation with the University of West Bohemia, and the development of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering.

Prof. Dushan Boroyevich is Professor and Associate Vice President for Research and Innovation in Power Systems at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA, and Associate Director of the Center for Power Electronics Systems (CPES). He was President of the IEEE Power Electronics Society in 2011-2012. He has 25 patents and more than a thousand technical publications.

Prof. Boroyevich is a member of the US National Academy of Engineering and has received 4 honorary professorships in China and Taiwan and many other awards, including the IEEE William E. Newell Power Electronics Technical Field Award and the European Power Electronics Association Outstanding Achievement Award. His research interests include electronic power distribution systems, multiphase power conversion, power electronics system modeling and control, and integrated power converter design. Prof. Boroyevich has supervised nearly 50 doctoral and 50 master's theses.

Intensive negotiations are underway to conclude a long-term strategic cooperation agreement between the CPES and RICE research centers.


Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Kateřina Newton

14. 11. 2023