Science and knowledge should not be feared. The Days of Science and Technology will come to Tachov

Press Release University Public

30 exhibitions focusing on cybernetics, artificial intelligence, chemistry, but also law, social issues or economic thinking will dominate Tachov on 12th September 2024. The choice of the city is not random - UWB wants to raise the interest of high school students in science and study at university.

Visitors to the Science and Technology Day at the UWB will be able to learn about electronics that can be sewn into clothing with conductive fibres, robots that children and adults can program themselves, or 3D printing of metal and plastic products that are created without residual waste. This is not the only thing that the scientists from UWB will bring to the public in Tachov on 12 September. In addition to the above-mentioned technical topics, they will also reveal the world of law, healthcare and economic decision-making in an interactive way at thirty stands.

The mayor of the city, Petr Vrána, welcomed the fact that UWB chose Tachov for one of its Science and Technology Days in 2024. "This is a great chance for all pupils, students and the general public to see science in action in a fun and interesting way. I believe that such an experience can arouse the desire to discover or invent in many students. And it is the enthusiastic students who will want to change their surroundings for the better that Tachovia needs," he mentioned.

This is also evidenced by the statistics of the UWB. This year 10 579 unique applicants applied to the UWB. From Tachov's high schools were only 96 of them. "UWB wants to increase the number of students by two thousand from the current 12 thousand within two years. Therefore, we need to focus on those regions in the Pilsen region where applicants are not yet applying to us and bring the university to them," said Jan Váně, the vice-rector for external relations at UWB. With the Day of Science and Technology, UWB wants to show high school students that there is no need to be afraid of university studies. "There are often distorted ideas among the public that science is something distant or boring. We have been showing for a long time, and we will show again in Tachov, that this is far from true, and that we can present even complex scientific topics in an understandable and entertaining way," he added.

 This year, scientists from UWB have already entertained children and adults in Klatovy with their discoveries. Three months ago, according to UWB estimates, two thousand people visited the Day of Science and Technology there. "The quality and motivation to study at university is largely influenced by the environment that surrounds and shapes us. We want to motivate high school students to study college in different parts of our region and at the same time turn their attention not only to higher education itself, but also to our university," explained Vice-Rector Jan Váně. In June 2025, the Days of Science and Technology will return again to Pilsen on the Republic Square. The event was originally held there between 2005 and 2023, always in September.



Andrea Čandová

05. 09. 2024