UWB engineers developed smart shoes and gloves to track rescuers' positions

Cooperation Press Release Science and research

Footwear and gloves equipped with navigation system that works even without GPS signal – these are new technologies that can save lives. Researchers from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the University of West Bohemia (FEL UWB) spent three years developing them.

New protective footwear and gloves equipped with localization and navigation systems can transmit information about the position of a firefighter during operations both indoors and outdoors. “Imagine a scenario where firefighters are operating in environments without GPS signal availability – such as in burning buildings, underground garages, dense forests, or hard-to-reach terrain. Thanks to the integrated localization system, the incident commander has an accurate overview of their team's movements,” said Radek Soukup from the research team FEL UWB.

The localization system also offers significant advantages to the firefighters themselves. If a team member loses orientation or finds themselves in a critical situation during an operation, they can use automatic navigation to return to safety. “The integrated navigation system can also guide firefighters directly to a person in danger. In crisis situations, this can significantly contribute to the quick rescue of human lives,” added Radek Soukup.

The system was developed by researchers from the Department of Materials and Technologies at FEL UWB. “While working on the ILOC project, we encountered numerous new challenges, particularly in the areas of communication systems and computational algorithms. The result is a system that can guide firefighters to a safe location using a smart shoe and glove equipped with an electronic compass,” said Petr Kašpar from the department.

The initial impetus for developing the positioning and navigation system came directly from the Fire and Rescue Service of the Pilsen Region. “We often face situations during emergencies where it is necessary to locate firefighters inside buildings. The system can serve as ‘extended eyes’ for the incident commander and could significantly enhance the safety and efficiency of rescue operations in the future,” said Michal Pathy, commander of the Plzeň–Košutka fire station.

A Czech company specializing in the production of firefighting gear has already shown interest in the ILOC project. “The smart intervention glove and footwear open up an entirely new segment of smart products. They will enrich our current portfolio and enable Holík to enter new markets. At the same time, the entire system fully aligns with our slogan, ‘Your Safety Comes First,’ which emphasizes that the safety of integrated rescue service personnel is our top priority,” said Tomáš Pekař from Holík-International s.r.o.

This is far from the first smart textile innovation developed by researchers at UWB. FEL UWB is among Europe's leading research centers in the field of smart textiles, which integrate sensors and electronics directly into clothing. Key projects also include smart firefighting suits that enable the monitoring of firefighters' positions and physiological parameters during interventions, as well as the development of textile ribbons that ensure the connection of electronic components without compromising user comfort. These innovations significantly contribute to improving the safety and efficiency of rescue services and demonstrate the practical applications of smart textiles across various fields.



Petr Kašpar and Radek Soukup

Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Andrea Čandová

22. 01. 2025