UWB has two new professors. Their fields of focus are machining technologies and applied physics

Press Release Achievements Science and research

Miroslav Zetek and Jiří Houška received their appointment decrees from the president of the Czech Republic on June 13th, granting them the right to use the title of professor. Miroslav Zetek works at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, while Jiří Houška is at the Faculty of Applied Sciences.

prof. Ing. Miroslav Zetek, Ph.D.
Affiliation: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: Machining Technology and Metal Additive Manufacturing

Miroslav Zetek is a prominent expert in the field of machining technology and metal additive manufacturing. He is a proud graduate of the Department of Machining Technology at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, where he also lectures and conducts intensive research at the Regional Technological Institute (RTI) of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

"Most of my career has focused on research and development in the field of metal additive manufacturing. I hope that the work of my team significantly contributes to the development of new products and the modification of existing components, which is highly valued by our partners in the engineering industry," explains the benefits of working in the RTI FST laboratories. His approach to experimental and applied research and development has led to long-term benefits for the scientific field as well. He has published numerous scholarly articles, and his results are applied in practice. Miroslav Zetek is the author of nine patents, several utility models, and verified technologies. He won the gold medal at the International Engineering Fair in Brno in the Innovative Product category. Currently, he is working on the development and validation of special 3D-printed structures that will be used in the future in demanding applications of the nuclear industry and hydrogen technologies.

For many years, he has also been an active member of the faculty's academic senate, where he has served as its chairman in recent years. His leadership and experience contribute to the development of the faculty and support the academic environment. In his pedagogical work, Miroslav Zetek imparts to students not only his extensive knowledge but also skills in independent work, logical thinking, and teamwork. "I am pleased that my students' final projects are often recognized and appreciated in professional circles," says the new professor Miroslav Zetek.

prof. Ing. Jiří Houška, Ph.D.
Affiliation: Faculty of Applied Sciences
Specialization: Applied Physics, Solid State Physics

Jiří Houška studied applied physics and physical engineering at the Faculty of Applied Sciences, where he also earned his Ph.D. in a joint program between UWB and the University of Sydney. In his teaching activities, he primarily serves as the guarantor and lecturer for courses in solid-state physics for bachelor's, master's, and doctoral studies. He also introduced a new course focused on solid-state modeling. He has supervised numerous qualifying theses, including those that won first place at the faculty's Student Scientific Conference.

"My scientific work is focused on new thin-film materials or those prepared by new methods, including new ways to link theoretical and experimental research," explains Jiří Houška. He is thus an expert in modeling these materials on various scales and in the experimental characterization of their optical properties, mainly using spectroscopic ellipsometry. "For example, right now, we are working with colleagues on smart windows that can respond to temperature changes. By measuring changes in light polarization upon reflection from a sample, it is possible to determine how much heat penetrates the room," he adds. Jiří Houška has achieved original results, for instance, in the study of high-temperature materials based on the Si-B-C-N system, in the design of thermochromic coatings based on VO2, or in modeling the growth process of thin-film materials atom by atom.

Jiří Houška has published more than 90 scientific articles in international impact journals. One of his research projects also won the Chairwoman of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic's award for the best-managed project in technical sciences in 2018. He has been involved in organizing key field conferences or their sections in San Diego, Erfurt, and Strasbourg.


Jiří Houška in his laboratory at Faculty of Appllied Sciences.

Miroslav Zetek photographed when being interviewed by Czech television.

prof. Jiří Houška

prof. Miroslav Zetek

Photo from the official ceremony: Jiří Houška, UWB rector Miroslav Lávička and Miroslav Zetek.


překlad ChatGPT, Andrea Čandová

13. 06. 2024