Bucket of Academic Blood

31 Říjen

31. října, 06:30

Cheb Hospital, Building B

Students Public Employees

Donate blood and save lives! You are invited to the 57th edition of the event called Bucket of Academic Blood and its Halloween edition in Cheb.

Enter: Free
More information at https://www.facebook.com/events/1297720587861783/?ref=newsfeed

Contribute to saving lives and join us, just like Cheb Grammar School, the Integrated Secondary School of Cheb, and the Secondary Medical School and Higher Vocational School of Cheb. This year, for the first time, with a sweet reward – a serving of honey cake.

This is a traditional event organized by the Faculty of Economics of the University of West Bohemia.

We will be symbolically filling the bucket on Thursday, October 31, between 6:30 and 7:30 AM at the Blood Transfusion Department of Cheb Hospital (Building B, left side, separate entrance 1st basement).

You can register here.


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