Try out the Engineering Collection e-journal database thanks to the University Library

Students Science and research Employees

The University Library of the University of West Bohemia has provided trial access to the journal database in the field of civil engineering from ICE Publishing. The e-journal collection "Engineering Collection" is accessible until May 11th

The collection of over 30 peer-reviewed journals in the field of civil engineering, construction, and materials science is available for use by anyone from the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen thanks to the University Library. It includes renowned journals such as Géotechnique, Magazine of Concrete Research, ICE Proceedings or Structures and Buildings and in addition to current issues, access to the archives is also provided.

Trial access to the Engineering Collection e-journal database will be set up for the entire university (from the IP addresses of the University of West Bohemia) until May 11th, accessible at

Please let the library know your feedback on the database at

For more information about electronic information resources available to you, visit the Resources section on the University Library's website.


University Library

Jakub Pokorný (translated by ChatGPT)

10. 04. 2024