Students, alumni, staff and management of UWB gathered on one floor after a year

Students University Employees

The University of West Bohemia Ball connected students, graduates, staff and management again this year. It took place for the thirty-first time and once again made the participants dance in a historic building from 1901 - the Pilsen's Měšt'anská beseda. Take a look back at the past event.

On Friday 14 March, several stars provided entertainment for the staff, students and friends of the University of West Bohemia in the premises of the Měšt'anská beseda building in Pilsen. Actor Oskar Hes and his partner Kateřina Bartuněk Hrstková, winners of the 13th series of the StarDance dance competition, performed three different dance demonstrations. This was followed by the performance of actor and singer Adam Mišík, who won the audience with his songs.

Apart from the main performers, the participants of the ball were also presented by the dancers of the StandardKlub Praha dance school with the choreography Stargazers and the moderator Michal Křížek conducted the whole evening. The Celebration band played for dancing and listening. The end of the evening belonged to the Dance Center of Petra Parvoničová, when all present could try out various dance creations on the dance floor together with the instructors. Throughout the evening, the participants could take photos in the photo corner or spend time in a quieter part of the building, in the lounge, where the Ad Libitum trio played to listen to the music.

You can take a look back at the atmosphere of this year's UWB Ball here.



Kateřina Dobrovolná

17. 03. 2025