Successful start of the pilot Doctoral School at Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Students University Education

Doctoral School started in winter semester 2023, and FEE worked closely with the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Applied Sciences. This initiative emphasizes the interconnection of technical, applied, and humanities disciplines for the overall development of Ph.D. studies and research activities.

The main goal of the School is the systematic education of doctoral students in all aspects of academic work. The launch of the School at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering took place within the framework of the Doctoral Conference in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, which took place at the beginning of November 2023 at the castle in Nečtiny, with a lecture and discussion on four selected perspectives on contemporary science: open science, competitive science, formative/informative science and, last but not least, science in problems.

The two-day program was followed by 24 students across all years of Ph.D. studies at FEE. The Doctoral School program focused on several key topics, particularly on publishing, including Open Science, projects and grants, intellectual property protection including patents, transfer of research results and know-how, setting up spin-off companies, and others. The topics were presented not only in the form of expert lectures but also through practical demonstrations and individual tasks for the participating students.

The Doctoral School will continue in the summer semester with additional thematic areas, one of the main focuses being pedagogy for university teachers under the guidance of experts and specialists of the Centre for Life-long Learning of the University of West Bohemia. Topics such as research methodology and ethics of science or academic careers will also be addressed.

The Doctoral School has received a positive response from students. Faculty of Electrical Engineering UWB plans to include it in the standard curriculum of doctoral studies from the academic year 2024/2025.


Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Kateřina Newton

21. 12. 2023