The legal association ELSA organized the National Conference

Conference Cooperation University

The central theme of the entire event was copyright law.
On March 1st and 2nd, the Law Faculty of the University of West Bohemia in Plzeň hosted the National Conference organized by the ELSA Plzeň association. The central theme of the entire event was copyright law. The program placed particular emphasis on the topic of artificial intelligence and current and planned legislation in this area, including the so-called AI Act being prepared by the EU. Attendees also familiarized themselves with the issues of project documentation, trademarks, NFTs, and blockchain.

A common thread running through all the lectures was the issue of protecting copyright in the online environment, which was concluded by a discussion on the functioning of the OSA association and the challenges it faces today. In addition to lawyers, legal laypeople who deal with copyright and intellectual property law on a daily basis also took part in the lectures, allowing attendees to confront the practical aspects and potential pitfalls of current legal regulations.

The academic program of the conference, spanning two days, combined a social program consisting of a joint dinner, a screening of the Czech film "Přišla v noci" (She Came at Night), and subsequent discussions with the protagonist of the film.

As organizers, we consider the entire event a success and extend our thanks to both the participating speakers and the leadership of the faculty and the Department of Legal History for their kind cooperation.


Faculty of Law

Vojtěch Fořt

14. 03. 2024