Students from UWB are helping to establish an international student association in the EUPeace

EUPeace International Conference

Members of the Student Council (STC) work in the university alliance EUPeace to improve the university environment for students. Thanks to them, the student organization EUPeace Student Association is currently being created.

After months of only meeting online, we, the students of nine European universities in the EUPeace alliance, finally met in person at Justus-Liebig University of Giessen and Marburg University. It was our first face-to-face meeting since the establishment of the Student Association (STC) in June 2024 in Limoges, France.

The task of STC is mainly to connect students across Europe. And since it is an official body of the university alliance, we had to first attend the meeting to complete all the necessary documents for the effective functioning of the STC. One of our tasks is also to prepare a strategy for improving communication between students and university management. Among other things, it seems to us that one of the possible ways is to establish an official STC Instagram account.

However, the most important point of the program was the approval of the proposal to establish the EUPeace Student Association. This international student organization should focus on organizing events that will support the core values ​​of the EUPeace alliance – peace, justice and inclusion. Its activities should start already in December of this year. For us, the students of UWB, this means that if we want to organize events in the spirit of these values, we can get support from this association. In the future, this could mean more events for UWB students as well.

In addition to the meeting, we also visited the cities and universities of both guest institutions. We had the opportunity to see not only historical buildings, but also the modern equipment of local universities. For example, the library in Marburg, which tries to create equal conditions for visually impaired students, caught our attention with its automatic book sorting system. The meeting was challenging, but it brought us valuable experience and stimuli for further work.

The meeting took place on September 4 and 5, 2024. UWB was represented by student Alexandra Halounová, vice-president of the Academic Association of Political Science Students in Pilsen, and student Matěj Líbal, secretary of the Student Chamber of the UWB Academic Senate, who also holds the position of vice-president of STC. Among the participants were also representatives of Work Package 5, which focuses on improving student life on university campuses. On behalf of the UWB, Lenka Pekárková from the Vice-Rector's Department for the Concept of Education and Student Affairs participated in the meetings and workshops.



The representative castle of Marburg University

The main historical building of Justus-Liebig University of Giessen

From left: Matěj Líbal, Lenka Pekárková, Alexandra Halounová

Student organizations

Matěj Líbal, Alexandra Halounová, Lenka Pekárková

23. 09. 2024