NTC bude hostit workshop o současných úspěších v oblasti fotoemise

Workshop se koná ve dnech 13.–15. listopadu v prostorách výzkumného centra ZČU Nové technologie. Zaměří se na nejnovější experimentální a teoretické poznatky ve vývoji v oblasti elektronických vlastností materiálů. Jednacím jazykem workshopu bude angličtina.

Podrobnější informace / More information:

Within the project “Computational and Experimental Design of Advanced Materials with new Functionalities” (CEDAMNF) and European COST action EUSPEC, NTC at UWB (Rostislav Medlin and Jan Minar) together with Peter-Grünberg-Institute-6 of Research Center Jülich (Slavomir Nemsak) are organizing the international workshop on photoemission and related techniques - CSPES-2017. This workshop is dedicated to recent experimental and theoretical developments in the field of electronic properties of materials as investigated by photoemission and electron energy loss spectroscopies. It will host over 30 experts from 10 countries of Europe and America. The list of invited speakers includes leading experts in photoemission applications, such as Prof. Charles Fadley from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Prof. Vladimir Matolin from Charles University in Prague and Dr. Didier Sebilleau from University of Rennes. The workshop will further strengthen the networking between and between the theorists and spectroscopists and empower their common efforts of unraveling underlying fundamental principles imprinted in the electronic structure of materials.

Save the date: 13.11.-15.11.2017, NTC-UWB, Pilsen, Czech Republic

contact: dlavicka@ntc.zcu.cz

Nové technologie - výzkumné centrum


09. 10. 2017