Support the UWB scientists in the Český Vševěd 2022 competition

Competition Science Employees

This year, two scientists from UWB are competing for the title of the best popularizer of science. Support them with your vote on the Facebook event, where you can also watch their video contributions.

Do you want to have the best scientist of the year at our University? Just support František Mach from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Daniel Duda from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in the Facebook vote. They, as well as thirty other scientists from Czech universities, have entered the competition for the title of the best popularizer of science. The condition for participation was to make a short video in which they would present a scientific topic to the audience in a popularizing form within 150 seconds.

A trio of popularizers will be featured in a Facebook event each week, and those with the most votes will advance to the semi-finals. František Mach, with his post about miniature magnetic robots, will compete in the trio competition from 25 April. Daniel Duda will explain the mysteries of anemometry in his video clip, and you can vote for him from 16 May.

The jury will select six finalists from the twelve best scientists. The final of the competition will take place on 13 September at the Scala University Cinema in Brno in the form of live performances, where scientists will present their research in an entertaining way. The aim is to convey to the audience not only enthusiasm for science but also a piece of knowledge itself. The event will get science fans in the mood for the traditional Researchers’ Night, which takes place on 30 September, this time with the subtitle All the Senses.


Michaela Svobodová

22. 04. 2022