Markéta Pekarová Adamová Visits UWB. The Topic Was Innovation and Chip Technologies

Cooperation Press Release Science

During her visit to Pilsen on Thursday, March 16, the speaker of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, Markéta Pekarová Adamová, also met with the Rector of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (UWB), Miroslav Lávička, and representatives of research centres.

The topics of their conversation were innovation and also cooperation with Taiwan. The Rector expressed his school’s interest in participating in the research and development of chip technologies as part of the chip development centre envisioned for the Czech Republic.

"Taiwan is a leader in chip technology and advanced electronics. The research centres of the University of West Bohemia are dedicated to these topics on a high level. Therefore, the planned activities of the Czech Republic related to Taiwan and Korea are very interesting for us," said the UWB Rector, Miroslav Lávička. "Our domain in this area is mainly power semiconductor chips, hybrid circuits and custom circuits and chips," he noted.

"Cooperation with Taiwan in the field of science, research and innovation can move the Czech Republic forward significantly. Taiwan is one of the largest chip manufacturers in the world. This is a key sector for our industry and it is in the vital interest of the Czech Republic to cooperate with our Taiwanese partners. That is why I have decided to visit Taiwan with a delegation of Czech businessmen in order to expand the trade between our countries," said the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Markéta Pekarová Adamová.

 "If a chip development centre is to be established in the Czech Republic with the support of Taiwan, we would like to participate in this project and take part in research and development of chip technologies," said the Rector in the presence of representatives of all four UWB research centres to the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Marketa Pekarová Adamová, and to the MPs Miloš Nová, Marek Ženíšek and Matěj Ondřej Havel, who were also in attendance.

"Since the preparations for the mission to Taiwan took place during the change of leadership at UWB, we will not be part of it, but the topics that will be addressed during the mission are of great interest to us, and that is why we are also discussing them independently with Taiwanese universities," said the Rector, Miroslav Lávička, who met with the Rector of the University of Taipei at the end of February and began to arrange the visit of UWB representatives.

According to the Rector, UWB also sees its role in activities linked to Korea and related to nuclear energy. "We educate top experts to ensure the reliability and safety of nuclear power plant operations. Nuclear energy is one of our traditional fields, so we see great potential for cooperation in this area as well," he said.

"As a university, we make a major contribution to the development of the Pilsen Region as a region of research, innovation and the most advanced technologies. We want to continue to strengthen this role, including in the neighbouring Karlovy Vary Region, where we can contribute to increasing education and thus support the transformation of the region. The close proximity of our regions to Bavaria and Saxony is an excellent prerequisite for this," said the UWB Rector.

After the meeting with the Rector, the Speaker, Markéta Pekarová Adamová, and the MPs visited the NTIS Research Centre of the Faculty of Applied Sciences, where they learned about the development of “smart windows”, which can control the passage of heat into a building depending on the outside temperature. Thanks to the thermochromic effect, which is provided by a very thin layer of one type of vanadium oxide with a specific structure, the windows are (figuratively speaking) closed to the thermal spectrum of the sun's radiation at a certain temperature and thermal comfort is maintained in the building. The project, which will significantly reduce air conditioning costs in the future, was presented by Prof. Jaroslav Vlček, whose team is dedicated to this socially important topic based on energy savings through advanced window pane surface treatment. 



Šárka Stará

16. 03. 2023