A hundred economists from the Czech Republic and abroad discussed the latest business trends

Conference Science

Cybersecurity in supply chains, the approach of governments to sustainable solutions, and ethics in business - these are just some of the topics that this year's international conference Business Trends, which was organized for the ninth time at the end of November by the Faculty of Economics UWB.

What is the typical behaviour of a Czech customer in e-shops? A question that economists from the Technical University of Ostrava asked the audience on the first day of the conference. The Czech Republic is now a de facto e-shop superpower, and the Czech customer is so used to quickly ordering goods from the comfort of their home. In the Czech Republic, there are almost six e-shops per thousand inhabitants; for example, in Hungary, there are approximately 3.2 e-shops per the same number of inhabitants.

Experts from the domestic University of West Bohemia in Pilsen also opened current topics. Sustainability issues in finance, financial performance, transfer pricing and sustainable reporting were addressed. There was also a discussion about managing innovation opportunities for business performance growth. This topic is currently being addressed at the Faculty of Economics in the international research project BEAGLE, digitalization in project management.

Influencer marketing is a relatively new research topic for economists – the conference also discussed, among other things, what is important for a social media consumer when making a purchasing decision based on promotion through social media. "If we trust an influencer and can identify with him, the probability of buying what he recommends increases," Tereza Šulanová from the Faculty of Social and Economic Studies at the Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústní nad Labem published the results of her research in her presentation.

One of the two-day program's leading foreign speakers and guests was Dirk H. Hartel from the Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Stuttgart, who introduced the audience to cybersecurity in companies' supply chains. Then, Michal Kohout, an American with Czech roots from California State University San Bernardino, contributed to the session with the topic of selecting indicators suitable for measuring inequalities and disparities among the population of California. Next came Jaromír Kovářík from the University of the Basque Country on the topic of Economic and Social Networks: Applications to Innovation and Marketing, and Marek Orko Vácha from Charles University, who made the program special by explaining ethics not only in business.

A gratifying fact for the conference organizers was the discovery that the conference interests young scientists and doctoral students, inspiring them in their further research activities, providing a space for mutual meetings and establishing new professional and personal contacts. "We are pleased that the conference has gained a significant reputation. We could host a hundred researchers from seven countries around the world. International discussion is essential for sharing trends, not only in business," said Pavlína Hejduková, chairwoman of the conference organizing committee.

"In two years, we will be celebrating the 10th anniversary of the conference, and we are convinced that it will be at least as successful and inspiring as this year," added Vice-Dean Emil Vacík. For more info, see the website of the conference: https://www.tvp.zcu.cz/



Faculty of Economics

Pavlína Hejduková

04. 12. 2024