Faculty of Law researchers educated the public about legal issues at Science Days of UWB

Science and research Public

At the June Day of Science in Klatovy, representatives of the Faculty of Law presented their first exhibition titled "Legal Awareness as a Social Skill of Citizens," addressing topics relevant to the public. They continued to showcase it at the same event in Tachov.

Photographs on social networks, copyrights, internet safety, cyberbullying, but also debts or divorces – just like in Klatovy, representatives of the Faculty of Law in Tachov prepared a number of current topics for all age groups.

Those interested also had the opportunity to get acquainted with the individual legal professions and their activities. Visitors learned new knowledge, among other things, by completing a legal crossword, which was a great success especially among primary and secondary school pupils. Interest was also aroused by a game in which it was necessary to connect concepts with their definitions, or an interactive explanation by our representatives.

A presentation was prepared for the adult audience on topics such as the problems of executions, insolvencies and divorces, which served as a brief guide to these proceedings. Visitors also had space for additional questions, to which the representatives always answered willingly and eruditely.

Illustrated comics were also a great success across generations, as they explained the basic legal concepts and everyday situations in which the law can be encountered, especially to the youngest visitors. The playful form of teaching allows lawyers from FPR to explain complex topics more easily – especially to primary and secondary school pupils, who are largely concerned with them and for whom they are often difficult to understand.

You can also see the exhibition of the Faculty of Law of the UWB at the upcoming event, which is Researchers' Night 2024. It will take place on September 27 in Pilsen from 5 to 10 p.m. on the campus of the University of West Bohemia in Bory.


Faculty of Law

Antonín Knittich, Vendulka Valentová
Translated by DeepL

17. 09. 2024