Scientists from FAS will lecture at Air Force Office of Scientific Research and Princeton University

International Lecture Cooperation

Ondřej Straka and Jindřich Duník from the Department of Cybernetics of the Faculty of Applied Sciences (FAS) have been selected by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) to present their research as part of the prestigious Window on Science (WoS) program.

The lectures, for which scientists from the Faculty of Applied Science (FAS) faculty have been awarded a grant, will take place at the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) laboratories in Arlington and Princeton University on July 15 and 16, 2024. The presentations will focus on Methods for Active Fault Detection and Methods for Stable Time Base Computation.

The Faculty of Applied Sciences has been collaborating with the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) since 2010. "At the FUSION09 conference, we met Dr. Erik Blasch, who worked at the US Air Force Research Lab, for the first time. Since then, we have been in contact and continuously collaborate on topics such as state estimation, fault detection, and information fusion. The collaboration has led to more than ten journal or conference papers and one AFOSR-funded project," says Jindřich Duník.

AFOSR's mission is to discover, shape, promote, and transfer high-risk basic research that will fundamentally impact the future of air and space power. "The risk of basic research probably always lies in the fact that not every idea or research direction leads to the desired goal. However, basic research is a key step toward applied research in any AFRL research area, which includes among others broadly applicable methods of space situational awareness," said Jindřich Duník.

WoS is one of AFOSR's long-standing initiatives to facilitate technical interaction in basic research through direct contact between distinguished foreign researchers and AFRL scientists and engineers.


Second from the left Ondřej Straka, followed by Jindřich Duník.

Jindřich Duník.

Ondřej Straka.

Commemorative coin.

Faculty of Applied Sciences

Faculty of Applied Sciences

06. 06. 2024