Movie Nights: Stand by Me

20 Listopad

20. listopadu, 17:00

Bory Library hall, Univerzitní 18, Pilsen

Festival Students Public

In collaboration with the American Center in Plzeň, the University Library invites you to movie nights at the Library Bory. On the third movie night, the library will screen the 1986 film Stand by Me.

Enter: for free
Intended for: students, UWB staff, public
Kontakt:, 377 637 755

Rob Reiner's film is based on the novel The Body by Stephen King. In a cabin on the edge of Castle Rock, a small town in the middle of the Oregon woods, twelve-year-old Gordie La Chance makes plans for an unusual trip that will change his life forever. His best friend Vern has overheard his older brother talking about finding a dead body deep in the woods, and Gordie, along with Vern, Chris and Teddy, organise an adventure that turns into an odyssey that will see the boys discover themselves first and foremost... [source:]

This year, movie nights at the University Library will feature films based on books by Stephen King, one of the best-selling and most active authors of our time. He is also known as the Master of Horror.

After the movies Carrie and The Dead Zone, you can look forward to the following films:

  • November 20th Stand by Me (1986)
  • December 18th It (2017)

The films will be screened in collaboration with the American Center in Plzeň in English with English subtitles, and each screening will be introduced in English by Bradley Vice, a lecturer at the Faculty of Education specializing in American literature. The screenings will take place in the hall of the Library Bory (Univerzitní 18) starting at 5:00 p.m.


University Library

Jakub Pokorný (translated by

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25 Září

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