KISS it! UWB begins testing its mass warning system and collecting phone numbers

Press Release University

Over 3,700 people at the University of West Bohemia have registered their phones in the mass warning system, acquired in December 2024. The purchase was in preparation for half a year. This new channel will notify students and staff of emergencies.

A newly acquired software called KISS will provide quick notifications via SMS messages or voice calls at University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. It is also suitable for people with visual or hearing impairments. For it to function properly, it is necessary to collect phone numbers and obtain consent for their use from everyone who regularly moves within UWB premises, including branch locations in the Karlovy Vary region. Currently, the university has gathered about 25% of the required data.

Registration for the system can be completed through the UWB Portal, which is accessible only to students and employees. „It is important that every employee and student does not postpone entering this information. Only in this way will it be possible to quickly inform everyone in case of need. It is clear that emails, social networks, or public warning systems alone cannot be relied upon," said UWB Rector Miroslav Lávička.

The system allows for the preparation of several message variations, for example, for fire emergencies or evacuations for other reasons, making message distribution more efficient. „At the moment, the university is working with the supplier to configure the system and access permissions. Training will also be provided for personnel authorized to initiate specific scenarios," said UWB Head of Security Department Jaroslav Vild.

During March, all registered users should receive a test SMS message to familiarize them with how such emergency notifications might look. Newly enrolled students and newly hired employees will have the opportunity to request the inclusion of their contact information in the system from their first day at UWB.



Andrea Čandová

12. 02. 2025