The first Spondeo ac polliceor vows at the Sutnar School

Alumni Study University

On the second Friday in July, the Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art hosted a festive graduation ceremony. For the first time, the ceremony was held directly in the faculty building and a total of 132 students received their Bachelor and Master’s degree certificates.

During the semester, the atrium is used as a space for teaching dozens of students figural drawing and painting. In July, the easels and models were replaced with three hundred chairs and a podium for the Academic Senate. The premises were converted from overnight so that they could host the proud parents of the graduates as well as their friends and loved ones.

"The Czech word for graduation, promoce, comes from the Latin word promotio, meaning promotion. You have successfully completed another level of education, which is surely a reason for celebration. You have proven to yourselves, those around you and thanks to the degree which you now hold also to the entire world that you are professionals. What thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of people merely dream of or perhaps have just as a hobby, you now have a professional college degree for. You have become experts in creation – which is a divine prerogative. At the same time, I am certain that many of you had to work extra hard to stay the course," said the Sutnar school's Dean in his address.

During three festive ceremonies, which the graduates were divided into based on their respective ateliers, apart from the college certificates Dean Vojtěch Aubrecht also presented a total of 15 Certificates of Merit and 9 Dean's Awards. In his address, he expressed the wish that just as in families, the students' relationship with their alma mater would continue to be cultivated and the students would feel the support of their faculty and could rely on it.


Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art

Lenka Thomayer Opatrná

27. 07. 2022