Trinational Round Table - Artificial Intelligence

20 Duben

20. dubna, 11:00


Conference Science

The Europaregion Donau-Moldau e. V. and the KI Campus Ostbayern organise the Trinational Round Table on artificial intelligence from 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. at the University of Passau.

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The Trinational Round Table on artificial intelligence (AI) supports the networking of artificial intelligence experts from Czech, German and Austrian universities and presents the latest research results in the field of machine learning and related technologies. Join us on April 20, 2023 at the University of Passau and discuss the different research fields of artificial intelligence and its applications with other scientists. In addition to scientific short presentations, there will be ample time for discussion. The language of the Trinational Round Table is English.

Since 2021, the Trinational Round Table on artificial intelligence has been organised by the Europaregion Donau-Moldau e. V. and the KI Campus Ostbayern. The event is a good opportunity for AI-scientists to network and exchange ideas on their latest research results. In 2021 and 2022 the Trinational Round Table took place online. This year, we want to offer an on-site event at the University of Passau, so that participants can meet and get to know each other face to face.





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