The book phenomenon IOGI gets another foreign language version

Students Achievements Employees

Through the IOGI comic series, students of the Sutnar Faculty offer a glimpse into everyday life in Japan, free from stereotypical notions and prejudices. The book was created under the guidance of the head of the Media Illustration Studio Václav Šlajch, and the Czech-French poet Jean-Gaspard Pálení

In the world of literature and art, it is rare to find a work that crosses cultural boundaries with the grace and acclaim that IOGI has received. The current English language edition of this internationally acclaimed comic, following its successful debut in Japan and its Czech edition, stands as a testament not only to the universality of its stories but also to the success of a unique educational experiment.

Since its first publication in Japanese in 2021, the book has won the bronze medal at the prestigious Japan International Manga Award and received the Czech Muriel Comics Award. Visitors to the Ladislav Sutnar Gallery in Pilsen, the Anifilm festival, and the World of Books and Koma fairs had the opportunity to explore the book, allowing them to delve deeper into the world of IOGI and gain a better understanding of a culture that, for many, is distant and exotic.

This year, a Polish edition of the book will be released, along with a sequel called IOGI2. The sequel is set to be available in bookstores shortly before Christmas and promises to provide additional insights into the lives of ordinary Japanese people with new stories and perspectives.

IOGI presents eleven poetic perspectives on life in the residential area of Suginami in Tokyo, avoiding the usual clichés about Japan. The project emphasises the significance of sensitivity, imagination, and observation skills in the creative process. This enables the students of the Media Illustration Studio to overcome language and cultural barriers and achieve the highest degree of authenticity and truth in their works.

In the context of its global acceptance and appreciation, it is clear that IOGI is much more than just a book. IOGI is a cultural phenomenon that transcends linguistic and geographic barriers and provides a unique perspective on Japanese society.


Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art

Martin Bečan

15. 03. 2024